Russian Land is the Most Fertile

There are approximately 1.87 billion hectares (a hectare is a square with a side of 100 meters) of fertile land suitable for agriculture worldwide. And Russia is in fourth place by the number of such sites. The accuracy of the calculations is 92%, and these calculations were carried out using a modern satellite equipment.

Russia is among the top five countries with the most fertile agricultural land. The total area of such land plots is 155.8 million hectares. As a percentage, the area suitable for agriculture is 8.3% of the total world reserves. And this is a huge area with impressive potential for business development or investment.

If we talk about the reserves of chernozem, according to statistics, in Russia they constitute 52% of the total amount of such soils in the world. The problem is that most of this land has not yet been developed, and the demand for environmentally friendly products is constantly growing. That is why we offer you to find a suitable land plot for the development and investment of your funds. We will find land to which we will definitely return.

Where in Russia is the most suitable soil for agriculture?

In Russia, the Central Black Earth Economic District stands out. This is where most of the country’s chernozems are concentrated. It is located in the west and includes the following regions: Voronezh, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Kursk, and Tambov Regions.

However, the list does not end there. There are huge fertile territories along the southern border of the country, including the Voronezh, Belgorod, Saratov, Orenburg, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Sverdlovsk, Samara, Omsk Regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Sverdlovsk Regions, and Altai Territory.

The Volga region, as well as southern Siberia, which includes the Trans-Baikal Territory, Buryatia, and the Irkutsk Region, has many fertile regions with chernozems.

And we know exactly where the most profitable and affordable land plots are. Our specialists will select an existing business or help assess the risks of investing in certain areas. But first, we need to understand how the soil becomes fertile.

In Soviet times, there was a different division of land, which was done by economic areas, not by federal districts, as it is now. This was more in line with the classification of regions and lands:

What are the criteria for assessing soil fertility?

There are certain conditions under which the Earth is considered fertile and suitable for agricultural activity. And the higher this value, the higher the profitability. In addition, fertility can be artificial or natural. In general, there are four criteria for the quality of this land. These are the criteria:

  1. Optimum humidity. If droughts are frequent, the soil will become dense and yields will decrease. Under these conditions, the decomposition of organic matter is stopped. Excess moisture will cause dangerous anoxic fermentation of residues.
  2. Air pockets and air ducts. Oxygen helps convert nitrogen into recyclable form by dissolving phosphorus, potassium, and other elements. Without it, worms, insects, and even microbes cannot survive.
  3. The soil is colder than air in summer. If its temperature rises or changes constantly, insects and plant roots will be adversely affected.
  4. Excess of carbon dioxide. This is important for the effective dissolution of minerals. This helps to produce more nutrients in the soil.

To search and select the best land plot, you need to make a request to our specialists.